
Experience with more than 2.000 students and professionals show that there are some guidelines which help to avoid the most common traps with C4J.

Guideline 1 : Set up your project as a maven project!

The extend assertions concept by means of separating assertions into separate contract classes has one disadvantage: The number of sourcecode files you have to manage will double or triple as each target class has a corresponding class contract and/or interface with its interface contract.
An approved way to deal with that complexity issue is to structure the project adhering to the directory structure of an idiomatic Maven project:
  • project home : Contains the pom.xml and all subdirectories.
  • src/contract/java : Represents the design level and contains interfaces, interface contracts and class contracts. In the TimeOfDay example, these are in the package timeofday:
    - the interface TimeOfDaySpec and
    - its corresponding interface contract TimeOfDaySpecContract
  • src/main/java : Represents the implementation level and contains the deliverable Java sourcecode for the project, i.e. the target classes. In the TimeOfDay example, these are in the package timeofday:
    - the target class TimeOfDay, which implements TimeOfDaySpec and therefore inherits the TimeOfDaySpecContract contract.
  • src/main/resources : Contains the deliverable resources for the project. In the TimeOfDay example, these are such as the C4J configuration files:
    - c4j.local.xml
    - c4j-pure-registry.xml
  • src/test/java : Contains the testing classes (JUnit) for the project. In the TimeOfDay example, these are in the package timeofday:
    - the application class TimeOfDayDemo
    - the JUnit test case TimeOfDayTest
  • src/test/resources (optional) : Contains the resources necessary for testing.
    In the TimeOfDay example this directory for test resources is not necessary as there are no test resources.

Guideline 2 : If you need local variables in a pre- or postcondition declare them inside the if statement body!

public class TimeOfDaySpecContract implements TimeOfDaySpec {


   public void setHour(int hour) {
      // method body sourcecode before the precondition if statement will be skipped
      int thisIntWillBeSkipped;
      thisIntWillBeSkipped = 1;
      if (preCondition()) {
         // this works fine
         boolean localBooleanInPreConditionBody = false;
         localBooleanInPreConditionBody = true;
      // method body sourcecode between the precondition and postcondition if statements will be skipped
      boolean thisBooleanWillBeSkipped;
      thisBooleanWillBeSkipped = true;
      if (postCondition()) {
         // this works fine
         double localDoubleInPostConditionBody = 0.0;
         localDoubleInPostConditionBody = 1.23;
      // methody sourcecode after the postcondition if statement will be skipped
      double thisDoubleWillBeSkipped;
      thisDoubleWillBeSkipped = 1.23;

Guideline 3 : If you need a stateful contract use private instance variables!

public class TimeOfDaySpecContract implements TimeOfDaySpec {
   private boolean setHourHasBeenCalled;

   public void setHour(int hour) {
      if (postCondition()) {
         setHourHasBeenCalled = true;
   public int getHour() {
      if (preCondition()) {
         if (setHourHasBeenCalled) {

Guideline 4 : When using the old method do keep in mind that it returns a old reference to the object not a reference to a deep copy of the object!

public class TimeOfDaySpecContract implements TimeOfDaySpec {


   public void setHour(int hour) {
      if (postCondition()) {
         assert unchanged(target.getMinute()) : "minute unchanged";
         // recommended version:
         // If minute is changed in the implemented setHour method, the assertion will definitely fail!
         assert target.getMinute() == old(target.getMinute()) : "minute unchanged";
         // variation 1 : does work as intended as getMinute() returns the basic type int
         // i.e. if minute is changed in the implemented setHour method,
         // the assertion fails as target.getMinute() != old(target.getMinute()).
         assert target.getMinute() == old(target).getMinute() : "minute unchanged";
         // variation 2 : does NOT work as intended as target is a reference type
         // and therefore: target == old(target), so both references point to the same object!
         // As a consequence target.getMinute() == old(target).getMinute() will always be true
         // even if minute is changed in the implemented setHour method!